Sunday, May 8, 2011

i hope your life is filled with joy

I hope your life is wonderful and you stay happy. I lost the one person in life that meant anything to me. I just want you to go on and try your hardest at everything not stopping for anyone or anything. I want you to be happy every min of the day. I hope that skiing will bring you joy and you reach your goals. you taught me so much and i wont ever forget that. You made me a stronger person. After my fall the other day i woke up in the hospital not being able to see out of one eye. i didnt even care how much pain i was in but was only thinking of you and how you were doing. Life to me has been very lonley now. panda is still here well not in the hospital but at a buddies who was thankfuly there. i want only the best for you and hope to hear about you reaching your goals someday when i turn on the xgames. It will make me smile so big. I will never forget how much you loved me and opened up to me. Its time for me to go away since the one person in my life who brought me happieness is now gone, but i hope that your going to never forget me. your an amazing person and i hope that everyone you meet knows that. I cant tell you how much you changed my life for the better. i wish that all your dreams come true and someone makes you happy. I tried so hard and wish that what ever i did to make you mad i could take back you have no idea. I know you will make it big in skiing and do it for you and dont let your friends tell you other wise. i have always believed in you. I miss you so much. I know you dont want to talk to anyone anymore and thats who you are and no one should judge you for that. im the one to blame for everything dont blame your self. i want to take it from you. Your the only person that made me smile and the only person who never judged me or put me down. You listend to me and were by my side when i needed you. i never wanted to say good bye because even thinking about you makes me happy. maybe i can see you in the future when you famous and everyone knows your name and you are happy as can be. i have lost all faith in myself after this last ski accident and now dont know what to do. the memories we have will always be in my head going back and smiling about things only we know about. your always in my heart and you will always have mine. dont forget that. its times like these where you made me strong. i wish i could tell you one last time how much i loved you and i could hear your voice.  your the one person that calms me down. dont forget that the person you are is amazing and people do love you. i hope you find everything you want in the world. skiing is your sport. its time for you to shine. i could say so much right now but i know you probably wouldnt want to read it all. i could go on and on about everything that you did to make me smile. I wont bug you anymore i promise. but i will keep you in my heart and i hope you never forget about me. you can call me when ever you want but i hope this dosnt keep me out of skiing. your keeping me strong. I do everything you tell me. i just wish you could tell me what i did to make you so mad at me. I wish i could say im sorry. I wish i could be with you and that you would forgive me for anything i did.

I love you allison <3 sorry for everything i did.

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