16 and prego WTF

am sick of the stupid teen mom shit and 16 and prego. OK these shows are such bull shit and i mean what the fuck are these teens thinking in the first place. I mean the moms think they are going to be good parents hell no! you are barley old enough to fucking drive and have your period! This is what is going on and why our generation of kids that come after us will be so fucked up in the head. Because they will not have any guidance in life and parents wont be together. I mean what kind of life are you giveing your child when you are 16? what job do you have. You havent even started HS. Your fucked on going to college now and how are you going to get your education done? its hard enough as a kid in HS with out a kid to do well. Unless your really freaking smart, but really guys we watch these stupid tv shows and they influence us way to much. i know so many girls that are not even 20 yet and getting prego and i mean the amount of girls in HS now that are prego! what the hell is going on. This tv show dosnt portray how hard it really is. all the show is 40 mins of straight drama bull shit. Then these girls want to have a kid because it portrays it to look easy. Fuck no! Give a baby to a girl and have her take care of it for a week. See how much they will want a kid then at the age of 16. I mean come on girls! if you do have a kid and are not ready give the child up for adoption. I mean i was adopted into an amazing family i dont ever think about how my mom was a jerk for giving me up. Because i understad why she did to give me a better life for the fact that she didnt have the funds to keep me and she wanted to see me have a good life and be able to do everything i want! Yes i probably would have never skied in my life if i had been in korea i would have never found the love of my life who i could never live without. I understand girls and yes if the guys is a good guy and not some guido ass hole meat head that it would be hard giving up your child. They are a part of you and for the girl you carried the child for 9 months, but girls need to realize that your not ready your not going to be able to give that kid everything they want like your supposed to do. you dont have the funds at 16 to even take care of yourself let alone a baby. Just because you get prego at 16 dosnt mean you get to be on the show dumb asses. We are giving these girls on these shows to much credit and praise they shouldnt be getting famous for being prego at 16 What the fuck really you think that! These girls and guys ok so dont get me wrong yes guys are to fucking blame for this bull shit too. They dont know how much work it is. They havent even left school to go to college and go away and live on your own. They are babied at home. Unless you have a shit ton of money some where growing out of your ass i dont know where you can get the money to support a baby at the age of 16. i think the youngest someone should be having a kid is around 20. I mean yes you still could be in school but for girls or guys too i guess you could be dating someone older who has a good paying job out of school and on there way. So its way different. You have been able to see how it is to live on your own and work hard without the baby sitting of the parents at home. Yes some of us mature faster then others but the majority of teen havent even gotten there first job at 16. The reason i wanted to talk about this was look at how TV shows effect us and how much they influence us to do stupid shit. MTV dont know what the hell you think about when you make some of these shows but your not doing the world well all the time. MUSIC TELEVISION my ass should be REALITY BS! you dont even play music anymore I mean look at what jersey shore did made a whole bunch of fucking Guido wannabes who tan and do stupid shit. All they care about is getting laid. You should give them a test on how much they know about what is going on in the world and what they know about the real subject. Yea all they know about is doing laundry and trying to work out. Your showing kids these days that fighting and drinking all the time is a good thing. Try getting hit by a drunk driver or driving drunk and killing someone. It dosnt just stop at saying your sorry. It effects more then one person. So stop with all this stupid BS! Teenagers need to stop slanging there pussies and dicks around. teach them something useful.
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