Tuesday, April 19, 2011

DuMb RaCisT FuCks

Ok so as you know or may not know Iam adopted from South Korea. I have heard every asian joke in the freaking book. I mean my friends yes they do rip on me but i rip right back at them i can roll with the punches and make fun of myself too though. I dont have a problem with that i mean you cant be a confident person if you cant make fun of yourself. Here is the thing though my friends are not being racist just some humor of being good friends. This is what really gets me going is when your out hanging with a bunch of people and there are a few people you dont know. Ex. your talking in a group of people, and some random fuck decides to come join the convo, and since he dosnt know what the hell we are all talking about, and dosnt really care he starts ripping on you because he is on un intelligent ass hole, and dosnt know any other way to communicate. I mean everyone is racist to some point. Here is the thing you have those people who stereo type and dont even know a single person of that race or hangout with a bunch of people who influence them and just decide to not like them. Then you have the dumb asses in every race that you encounter that make you think right away oh these people all must be ass holes os stupid like this person. So they always view that race of people that way. Dont be to quick to judge i mean like really the girl from UCLA who did her rant on asian people yea hell no bitch (ok i would never hit a girl under any issue but this chick needs to be bitched slapped!) WTF did i do! im adopted into a freaking swedish fam! My buddies same im whiter then they are so Fuck you preppy girl who sounds like she has no brains! My fiancee wanted to kick this chicks ass i thought it was funny after i showed her this. I mean yes i did laugh at this video because i do think it is funny and yes a little bit true but she needs to understand some things. When she started talking about the asian fam thing about bringing everyones mom and there mom. Yea so bitch! thats how they roll! learn some diffrent cultures and see why they do that. They like being with there family's and helping each other out. Unlike the way we have been brought up. I mean fam is important to us dont get me wrong, but we are taught to be more independent  and  do things on our own, and have that person you love in your life to support you and love you. This is another thing that bugs me people who make assumptions about races and they have no idea about there culture. I think people are way to into themselves and dont really care to learn about different cultures around the world. People need to be more opened minded to life and other races. There are cool people in every culture just take the time to get to know them. It really dosnt matter where they came from just if they are good people and can laugh and talk about the same things as you.

(part 1) there is so much i need to write about this topic but i thought i would start it out with a good example of a bitch who dosnt know shit and show you how un cultured the world is. Even with how much of an education you may have.

*Funny thing is the girls make up, clothes, and probably her boobs yup all made in asia.

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