Ok so I wrote about my fiancee's Grandpa earlier in my blog. I deff didnt get out everything i want to say. Not even close. There is way to much i need to thank him for. If you knew the story about my fiancee and how much of an impact her grandpa had on her life you would know why I owe everything I'am to him. He was the one who showed her how to be strong and taught her good morals for life. Teaching her to be like the boys. to run just as hard and fast. He was the greatest mentor anyone could have. Just listening to the stories she has told me about him make me get that warm feeling inside. I wish everyone could hear her talk about her grandpa and how great of a person he was. He was doing everything he could for anyone in need. Paying it forward without having to get anything in return. I feel like he got something in return just being able to help those people out giving them love and trying to show them that you can make a difference in peoples lives. I love listening to everything she has to say about him because it makes me think about how few people there are in the world that reach out to help others. Outside of big organizations doing it on there own with there own money and homes. Dont get me wrong big organizations are great! but to see someone do the same thing on a smaller scale really is amazing. To talk your home and turn it into a home for others. I wanna get back to how he showed a grand daughter the path to being a great person to show the world that there are strong, and amazing people out there that want to help those in need. Even if its one person at a time. Telling her how guys will always fight one another for the top spot, but when a girl comes into the picture and trys to take that spot they will really turn on the hurt. Saying they will try and stop you at all cost and talk you down, because they have never had to deal with a girl like you. Trying to tear you apart from the inside out. His word will forever be with her pushing her to go harder. He believed in her from the day she was born. Caring for her more then just a family member or a grand daughter, but her guardian for life always looking out for her catching her when she falls. Her grandpa was always the one there for her at all her games and track meets no matter the distance. I think that if her grandfather hadnt stepped into her life and took her under his wing she would be a complete different person. He was the one who taught her how high to set your goals and not stopping until you get there. I think that with out his words and support for my fiancee that the world would be a completely different place. his words inspired the a little girl who grew up to be an individual who is stronger then any guy i know pushing her body and mind to the limits. With out the love he showed to her to pass on to someone in the future there would be no us. With out us there would be no one i could go to talk about everything in my life. No one to go to who dosnt judge me for who iam and can joke around with me and understand me. I have to say that her grandpa was one amazing person, mentor, family member, best friend, and guardian angel that watches over her. I thank him every day for letting her be a part of her life. I hope that one day he passes the torch to me so i can be her guardian angel. I think he is the one who knows whats best for her and helps her still in times of need. His mind and soul are still in this world but shines through one of the most important people in the whole world my fiancee. She carries the same strength he had and the will to make the world a better place. Except she shows the world that girls can do things better then guys. gender dosnt matter. i love you baby! your the only thing in the world that keeps this world turning. <3 your my 11:11 every day.
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