Saturday, April 23, 2011

Baby boo

these past couple of days have been really hard reason being i dont know what is going on with my fiancee or what happened to rocky. Iv been thinking hard on maybe what happened but all these thoughts are just making me so sad. When you odnt know what has gone on with someone you love they are always on your mind. I just want to hear her voice and hear that she is ok. When that person is the most important person in your life you would do anything and everything to make sure they are ok. You dont want to see them fall and get hurt but to help them get back up and be strong. I know your ok baby and i hope that you call me soon. I will be waiting everyday and every night with my phone by my side. Just waiting for it to ring so i can pick it up and say i love you! Iv been up for 2 and a half days not being able to sleep, i will stay up for days weeks and months just to know your there and ok. I miss you so much i hope you call me right away. your always right here with me. <3

I love you boo.

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