well here it goes

The season has now ended and it felt way way to short this year. I cant wait for the start up of what is to come in the next year. From skiing this summer out at hood, and moving to Utah in the fall! things are looking great! I had a ton of fun this season, but not with out injuries. Opening day at hyland this year i decided to start the season out right by doing some front flips on the knuckles of the landings. First one i did went as planned stomped the shit out of it. So i went for it again. That one didnt go as planned. Ski flew off because i was using my old skis from last year. I was upside down no ski on landed but my foot sunk into the snow and my foot with the ski still attached kept sliding forward. so i pulled my ACL and MCL and my ankle was messed. So thats how it started. then i over rotated a superman front flip to my chest. also not fun. but along the way the season turned out great. I got a decent edit in and some pics and got out to PC to chill and ski with some friends.
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