Guys WTF
Guys these days are way to into themselves and need to respect people more and deff need to show more respect to girls. I hate these jersey shore guys and there stupid shirts and fake shit. I hate the guys that think they are all that and are better then the other guys. I fucking hate when guys think they are so good looking they say the stupidest shit to girls and think its ok. Guys who think its ok to hit or push a girl even should have there nuts cut off because they are PUSSIES! grow a pair and learn how to be a real person. Girls dont think that shit is cool. I cant believe what guys do these days. they think that its ok to talk girls down and that they are better then them. Who cares if a girl knows more then you or beats you in a sport. they deserve to just as much as a guy does who is good at something. I dont know why it is so degrading to guys to be beaten by a girl. The world is so fucked up these days. I mean do you really think your good looking like this guido. Umm no if i saw you i would break down laughing so hard i would shit myself. Gotta ski and look like a gangsta. dont follow trends dress how you want if you want to dress like a J-Shore guy do it. im just saying all these guys these days are treating girls like shit and girls dont deserve it. If you care about some one and love them why would you ever hit them or fight.
Why even if your trying to impress a girl you like or want to be with and you are a dick and try and show off. Yea be confident but dont be an ass about it. Also for guys when a girl is taken they are taken they dont want you to be creepy and stalk them. I dont understand that there are lines that are drawn and you dont cross them. I dont think guys understand that girls like guys that are friends but all guys think about is i wanna fuck that girl. almost 99 percent of guys only become friends with girls because then think they are attractive and want to do stuff with them. I dont get why guys cant think about just being friends with a cool chick and stop thinking about fucking them! and then when they get turned down they get pissed off. GET THE FUCK OVER IT! Grrr. Be friends connect with them! IF something sparks it sparks. I also dont understand why so many people are getting divorced these days. If you love someone you work things out. You dont all of a sudden stop loving someone. Because if you did that is messed up. You fight for love you dont let it slip away. If you can just get up and leave then you never loved that person and you need to look at your life and learn from it and grow up. There is so much i could talk about but i will blog latter on this topic (Part 1)
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